Adoption Assessments and Adoption Plans
CASS offers a suite of adoption services, undertaken by accredited adoption assessors, which include Dual Authorisation assessments, file reviews, Adoption Assessments, Adoption Plans and Adoption Court Reports.
Casework support is also available for work with parents including delivery and counselling around the Mandatory Information for Birth Parents and discussions with children about adoption.
Consultation is also available to organisations for adoption planning. CASS adoption services consider a child’s ongoing connection to their family and the prospective adoptive parent’s ability to support these family connections and the child’s developing identity and cultural heritage.
Our accredited assessors are experienced in working with parents, assisting them to develop their understanding of the adoption process and negotiating a plan between parents and prospective adoptive parents for future contact and connection. Consultation with the child and the inclusion of their wishes in any planning form the core of all adoption work undertaken by our team.
Diversity - Accountability
Responsiveness - Innovation - Inclusiveness
Responsiveness - Innovation - Inclusiveness